How do I know if I'm ready to pitch?

We have two kinds of pitch meetings: investment pitches and feedback sessions. The more progress you've made, the more interested we will be in investing. Progress could mean many things, and there are no set requirements for us to invest in a company. In feedback sessions, instead of evaluating your company for possible investment, we help you work through your ideas and give feedback about your company and your pitch. If you're unsure of which would be a better fit for the stage you're at, we're happy to chat with you to figure it out.

How do I submit to pitch?

Fill out our pitch application. A member of our team will contact you to find out more about your business, decide if it could be a good fit for 14 Founders, and set up a time to meet with us. Depending on how full our schedule is, we try to schedule pitches within 1-3 weeks of submission. Please see the scheduling form at the bottom of this page for possible pitch sessions.

What should I prepare for the pitch?

Bring a slide deck that goes over your business. Make your deck clear and concise--Guy Kawasaki's The Only 10 Slides You Need in a Pitch is a good place to start. Make sure to send us a copy of your deck ahead of time. You can bring a computer to present with or we can pull up your deck on ours. If you have a demo of your product, we'd love to see it!

What should I expect from a pitch meeting?

Our student team holds pitch meetings every Thursday evening during the school year. We hold these meetings at CU Boulder, at Kiln in Boulder, or virtually on Zoom. You will typically have 15 minutes for your pitch and 10 minutes for question and answer.

What happens next?

We'll be in touch with you within a week of your pitch to talk about next steps. If we're interested in moving forward, we'll move on to due diligence. If not, we'll give you feedback and try to help out in any way we can.

What happens in due diligence?

In due diligence, we take a deeper dive into your company. We look at things like your team, product, market, competitors, and financials. This is generally about a 4-6 week process, at the end of which we make an investment decision. Due diligence is a chance for us to get to know everything there is to know about your company and for you to get to know about us as investors. If we decide to invest in your company, we'll then hand you off to Kickstart, who will transfer the funds.

What does the overall timeline look like?

Expect a few weeks between signing up to pitch and actually pitching. After your pitch, we'll get back to you within a week about next steps. If we move on to due diligence, expect that to take about 4-6 weeks. If we decide to invest, we will hand you off to Kickstart for signatures and wiring funds, which happens very quickly.

What are the terms of 14 Founders’ investment for student companies?

Check out this page to learn more about how our investment works.

I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

Send us a message here and a member of our team will get back to you!